Thursday, November 25, 2010

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

                Happy thanksgiving everyone! Oh no! The snow is beginning to melt! Usually, I look out my left and look at the beautiful snow covered rooftop of my neighbor’s house, but now little bits of the black tiling of the rooftop is peeking through. It reminds me that the weather is getting warmer, and the snow is soon going to be gone. I really liked the frosty winter wonderland, and it makes me sad to see it go.
                Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks, yes? Therefore, I’ll write a post giving thanks (yet again) to all the wonderful people in my life. I think I’ll leave them anonymous… although they’re probably pretty obvious. If I forgot you, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re any less important to me, it just means that I forgot you. That sounds bad, doesn’t it? Well, if you know me and my memory, it’s really not that bad…
Hi, thanks for putting up with my random antics and having the most patience and kindness out of everyone in the world. You’re absolutely fabulous, and I’m really glad that I met you . You love me unconditionally, and I’m extra grateful for that. Oh, and thank you for music. Definitely. Before I knew how to get music myself, I’m pretty sure I bugged you forever. And listening to and watching random vids with me.
Hey you, thank you for extraordinary hugs and happiness! Your hugs are always full of joy and warmth, and I love them forever. You’re such a strong support, and full of fantastic-ness like cookies and generosity. I like sweet things. And you! You are so sweet and lovely and fabulous and I could eat you up nomnomnom. Just kidding, I prefer you in the non-eaten form. You’re a wonderful person, and your kindness makes you glow! I love you !
Thank you for the world! You’re always there to listen to my problems, even when everyone else is absolutely tired of listening to them. You’re willing to be anything that I need you to be, no matter how obnoxious that role might be to you. You’re my other half (platonically), and thank you for making me complete (platonically). J Thank you for your fluffy coats, for your kindness, for our laughs, for the memories, for your friendship .
Thank you for being yet another wonderful new addition to my world. Thank you for listening, for being you, for sharing, for trusting me, for sharing my interests, for laughing, for making me laugh! I love that you actually like what I like, and I can show you random things and expect you to enjoy it. Thank you for having a wonderful sense of humor, and being everything you are.
Thank you (more than one person) for just being you, and getting to know me. I know I’m not the easiest person to get along with, nor to hang out with, or even to interact with. Thank you for giving me a chance, and I hope you didn’t regret it. You are fabulous people yourselves, and I’m glad that I got to know you too! It always makes me happy to discover new things about people, and I’ve discovered so many new things about you! Thank you and I look forward to the future.
Thank you for being my “siblings” and entertaining me J. It actually does mean a lot to me, and thank you for being those people in my life.
Thank you all for making me laugh and smile! You are wonderful people, and I’m so lucky to have you all in my life .
                Oh, and thanks to Korean idols for being the most awesome thing ever. Here’s a picture to show my utter devotion (that, and I made a pledge to myself to post a picture up every day):


  1. argyle sweatervests fit some of them well. others... do not do well. BUT I LIKE THE PAINT and i'm thankful for you too. :)

  2. ilu ♥


    (T﹃T) TOO LATE

    ( 요౪요) TEARS OF JOY

    \(◔ ヮ ◔ )/ W00T

    ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ TEEHEE

    ( つ´◡`)つ HAGU ლ(≖益≖ლ)

    (=^ ー ^)ノ彡☆゜・。・゜★ WISHES FOR YOU

    (屮ಥДಥ)屮 彡 ┻━┻ SO TOUCHED I R FLIP A TABLE

    (╬ಠ益ಠ)┛━━━━━━━━━❤)゜Д゜)ム RABU RABU BEAMU
