Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Assigned Blog Post #6 - I'm so thankful for you

So, the second I read the prompt for this, I thought of Inx. I am ridiculously thankful for you (and your blog, but that’s kind of a different reason). Thank you for always being there for me, and holding me up when I collapse. I can really be myself with you. And sing randomly on the bus and on the streets, and feel at ease with. And there are so many other people who kind of have the same role as you, but I’m singling you out because well, I LOVE YOUR BLOG (oh and you’re just definitely always there. No matter what. Whenever I need you, and I need you a lot. BECAUSE I’M A HORRIBLY NEEDY PERSON. And you listen to all the angst I have, all of it, in all its repetitiveness, over and over again. As long as I need to say it, you’re just always there to listen. Thank you so much, and I love you forever for what you are for me). Your blog – it just kind of expresses everything that I’m thinking of ever… it’s like you see what I see. Always. IT’S LIKE YOU’RE IN MY HEAD. But in a non-creepy fashion. Now, I’m just worried that I will fail with the linking to your blog. Because I cannot link very well. Oh, and your blog is fabulously written. It’s moving, touching, and All Sorts of Fabulous. I think the best thing about it is that I completely and absolutely relate on like five different levels. Or five thousand.
Really, I’m not telling you anything you don’t know. Although I might be quite insane about it right now. And I’m a bit curious as to why this whole “gratefulness” thing has been brought up – I mean, it’s great and we should definitely think about it more than we do now (taking things for granted like all the time), but there isn’t even a holiday to bring it up. So I don’t know.
Who else’s blog do I love? Well… I skimmed over this one, and was horrified and amused by the pictures. Horrified by the horse man, amused by the AMAZINGLY ADORABLE SEAL and the hello kitty AK47 (which really makes me go why would you do that. No seriously, why?) but also giggle at the same time. And I love this one, which kind of surprises me, because it’s very different than the ones I normally like I guess? But it’s quite similar to this one, and I guess I just have a certain style that I like. Maybe sarcasm. I’m not sure, I feel a bit out of it right now. And honestly, I don’t read very many people’s. Oh, I loved this post, even though it went a little bit fast. But it was poetic, especially at the end. I think I just read Inx’s, and then these once in a while when people link me to them. Because they are full of awesome and win. So I will read yours maybe someday… I read the “girl” post of a lot of people’s, and I kind of love Inx’s the best (oh, and this one. Because it's so different). So, I sound slightly obsessive of him. Deal with it.
Well, aren’t I just entirely angry these last few posts.

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