I realized that I’m unnaturally cynical in my posts. If Inx is sad-angst, mine is angry-angst. And really, I’d rather not. And I’m not even that angry all the time. In fact, I can be very, very happy, and very, very silly. Actually, no, it’s more like 50% I’m ranting about something angrily, and 45% of the time I’m blathering on about something happily and slightly incoherently, and 5% I’m actually like lucid and normal. How silly! Like, I noticed how in my entire The Writing Life post, I’m either going I HATE YOU SHUT UP AND FINISH THE BOOK ALREADY, or LOL I LIKE SUPER JUNIOR AND RANDOMNESS I’M GOING TO REFER TO THAT EXISTS IN MY LIFE, and I made like one semi-amusing statement that people who follow normal American mainstream culture would like. Sorry, American-mainstream culture, I really don’t like you. You’re not worth it.
I think I am witty sometimes, but really rather rarely. It’s unfortunate. I feel like I’m a lot more interesting in topics that I am interested in. Or really, in things that other people aren’t interested in. Or very – okay, I’m tired of being lucid. Being clear-headed is really boring.
Actually, I was decently angry still. Haha, either way, the point that I was trying to get at is that it makes my blog pretty uninteresting to read. I –
I’m pretty sure that it’s too hard to keep a thought running in my head when I’m constantly checking my email. I’m saying that it’s painful for people to read my angst, and really, I don’t think that they want to… it took me like three paragraphs to get my point across. Or 4. I’m sorry, I’m just really wordy and confused! And this is like a really, really public diary. But has none of my more intimate thoughts. But really, Super Junior just runs through my head all the time anyways. I’m pretty sure I don’t even have more intimate thoughts.
Oh, I had a dream, and K- was in it (K-, this means that you should read this part), actually there were a lot of other people, too, but I don’t remember them. We were working as like…. Glassblowing apprentices. Yeah, I don’t even. Either way, the glassblower person would just give us kind of rough looking globes, and we would use this weird random circular tool to make it smooth or whatever. Yeah, I don’t actually know how it works, and I’m pretty sure you can’t sand glass like you sand wood, but whatever, it was a dream. Either way, you were really good at it. And I started later, and I was watching you, and I was like, psh, how hard could it be, since you just kind of roll it around in the mold and then it’s awesome. So I try to do it. and then at first, I was like PSH THIS IS SO EASY, and then my globe started to become deformed. So I start more frantically trying to fix it into the direction it’s supposed to go. And then suddenly, I have this RANDOM WEIRD AIR POCKET THAT IS DEAD SPACE. And then I’m terrified and I try to fix it faster. And then suddenly, it becomes a tube, all the air deflates, and it shrivels up into a kind of porous-ish looking silver metal. And then the glassblower guy is really mad at me and is just like WOW YOU SUCK AT LIFE. I’m going to give you an easier job to do. And then he hands me this TINY BOWL that is basically the size of a quarter, fills it up with like a few tiny strings of spaghetti, and he’s just like HAVE PEOPLE SAMPLE THE SPAGHETTI AND GIVE ME FEEDBACK ON HOW THE SPAGHETTI IS. And then people are laughing at me because I was just demoted to a really pathetic role. So I take the chopsticks, and I try to pick up the tiny piece of spaghetti. After flailing for a bit, I feed it to K-. And my general reaction after that is WTF WHY AM I DOING THIS. And then I get reassigned again because I was like WTF and questioning my role. They do not appreciate me questioning authority. Either way, I worked in some sort of warehouse with a tanning bed facility. Either way, we needed to clean the warehouse with some kind of liquid with like… sulfuric acid or something. Either way, apparently it was really dangerous or something, and I would die if it got on my skin. Anyways, I think my dream warped a bit, and somehow it was the day that we needed to clean. I just had this random powered spray bottle, and I was spraying it on everything. And it got all over my arms, and then when the alarm went off to notify that we were cleaning, I was like oh crap, I need to be in protective gear, and then I flipped out. I ran through the factory and washed myself off frantically. Then I got gear, which was… short sleeved. I’m not sure why I felt protected after that, but I was wearing short sleeves and gloves. And pants. And they kind of reminded me of scrubs, except for with hearts. Kind of like pajamas or like dentist shirts. Either way, I had to struggle really hard to find them and get them on because I was the only one who didn’t have them on. And then I kind of was like OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO DIE. And then I woke up.
This is what I get for sleeping 16 hours.
Also, here is a more epic version of what I saw in my head. By the way, they look really sleepy and not put together because they were just forcibly woken up semi-not-kind ways. Like having puppies crawl all over you. And hitting you with a pillow. And putting a wig and makeup (well, I think that was just getting revenge). Either way, pajamas are really cute, and they make them look like little kids, and it’s really adorkable.